Contact us
Do you have a question?
Would you like more information about Nordic Sugar and our products and services? Send your queries to: forbrugerkontakt@dansukker.dk. We will reply as soon as possible.
Press contact
For questions about recipes and pictures, contact:
Sofia Palm
Marketing/Consumer Contact
Mobil: +46 709 53 70 77
Email: Sofia.Palm@nordzucker.com
For other questions about press material, contact:
Malene Alminde
Marketing Denmark & Norway
Customer services
+45 32 66 25 00
Nordic Sugar
Edvard Thomsens Vej 10, 7.sal
2300 Copenhagen S
Dansukker is Nordic Sugar’s consumer brand!
Dansukker is sold in the Nordic region and the Baltic countries. In these markets, which represent about 30 million consumers, Dansukker is synonymous with high quality and a wide product range.
You can find product information and contact details on the Nordic Sugar website.